Why does it need an automatic assignment?
In order to have all the information from an applicant in one dossier, it is important that Dualoo assigns online applications to a (possibly) already existing dossier. This ensures that each applicant has only one dossier. It doesn't matter whether he or she has applied via paper or online.
Matching rules for a successful assignment
There are five different rules, which result in an automatic assignment. Dualoo starts with the first rule. As soon as a rule is true, an assignment is done.
The following fields must match between the new online application and the existing dossier:
1. email address AND (
OR (date of birth AND (first name or mobile))
OR (first name AND (postcode OR city OR last name OR street))
OR mobile number
2. mobile number AND (
OR date of birth
OR (first name AND (postcode OR city OR last name OR street))
3. first name AND last name AND date of birth AND (
OR postcode
OR city
4. first name AND last name AND gender-title AND street AND (
OR postcode
OR city
5. first name AND date of birth AND gender-title AND street AND (
OR postcode
OR city
With these five rules, marriage, relocation and common spelling mistakes can be intercepted and an assignment still be possible.