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Update - News from 18.04.2016
Raphael Mösch avatar
Written by Raphael Mösch
Updated over a week ago

New features

Personal filter settings

Personalized filtering options help you find your way around Dualoo even better. Define your personal filter settings and we'll save your settings for your next visit.

Status filter

You can now filter by the status of an application. Hide completed applications or display only acceptances or rejections. If you select only open applications, all dossiers with open steps in the process will be displayed.

Column filter

Now you can also sort the whole overview list by ABC or topicality. Just click on the desired criterion in the list.

Tablet optimization

An additional function for the optimized application for tablet and cell phone is now available. To make changes, delete information or for further options you will now find the icon with the three dots in different areas.

Evaluation criteria Taster apprenticeship

Different valuation schemes can now be stored for different professions. This allows you to work with occupation-specific evaluation criteria. First create a new evaluation scheme with your personal criteria in the settings under Evaluation schemes.

Then assign this to the appropriate apprenticeship in the application process.


Additional placeholders for more possibilities in correspondence

The following placeholders are now available and can also be used as additional input fields in the dossier. All placeholders can be found in the Help Center under the following link.







Loading bar

The loading progress bars are displayed for a better overview. The more dossiers are displayed in the overview, the longer it may take to load the information.


The permissions assigned in the settings now affect the displayed dossiers. For example, if an employee only has permissions for the teaching profession of computer scientist, only these dossiers will be displayed. If you miss dossiers, please contact your administrator for the assignment of rights.

  • Ratings in the trial apprenticeship, can now also be deleted again.

  • Optimization of the scroll function in the overview list

  • Various bug fixes in the whole application

  • Speed optimization especially in the overview list area

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