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Update - News from 12.08.2022
Nadine Mรถsch avatar
Written by Nadine Mรถsch
Updated over 7 months ago

New features

๐Ÿ‘ Automatic confirmation of receipt is customisable
The confirmation of receipt, which is automatically sent by e-mail for online applications, can now also be customised. If you do not make any changes to the settings, the existing best practice template will continue to be sent.
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

๐Ÿ‘ Links in advertisements & emails
You can now insert links in advertisements. Hyperlinks can now also be used in emails. In the following Help Centre article, we show you how you can connect external tools with Dualoo even more easily thanks to the links (e.g. MS Teams video interview).
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

๐Ÿ‘ New resolutions for social media images
We have optimised the social media image in Dualoo so that the image does not appear pixelated in Dualoo job posts. If you use your own templates, you can upload this image again in a higher resolution. Many Dualoo templates are available for download in the Help Centre article. We are also happy to enter your own templates on this basis.
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

๐Ÿ‘ More information on detailed ratings
More information is now available in the dossier overview, in the candidate dossier and also in the detailed rating itself. You can see how long a rating has been open. The info button also shows when the rating was entered and completed and the date on which a reminder was sent by Dualoo. The following Help Centre article explains how reminders work.
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

๐Ÿ‘ Buttons in the application portal / advertisement
The texts used on the buttons in the application portal, the input masks and buttons for application portal and on the input mask can now be customised. For example, you can rename the button for applications for Trial apprenticeships to โ€˜Registerโ€™ instead of โ€˜Applyโ€™.
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

๐Ÿ‘ Recruiter role - limited authorization option
You can now set whether recruiters are allowed to advertise new jobs (as before) or whether this should only be reserved for HR-Managers. In addition, recruiters who do not have the authorization to make acceptances or rejections can no longer make any adjustments in these process steps (acceptances/rejections).
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

๐Ÿ‘ Further columns in ratings (job status & step status)
Two additional filters can be used in the rating overview. We use the job and step status to prepare for further detailed evaluations. You can find more information on this in the Excel evaluation outlook below.
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

๐Ÿ‘ Online job advertisement in the settings of the process step
In the application process, you can now define which process steps can be advertised online. Previously, these were predefined as Application receipt, Trial apprenticeship and Day internship. This can now be defined individually for each process step in the settings.
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

๐Ÿ‘ Optimisation of duplicate recognition for recruitment agencies
To make it easier for you to work with recruiters, we have revised the rules for merging dossiers. Dossiers with the same email address and first name will no longer be merged.
๐Ÿ“– To the Help Centre article

Minor improvements

We have made various minor corrections and optimisations.

  • The job title is now always displayed in a gender-neutral way in all overview lists.

  • The workload can now also be defined with a minimum of 1% instead of 10% as before.

  • The mandatory fields in the input mask are easier to recognise

  • There are no more special characters in mass rejections.

  • The number of applicants is calculated correctly, even if a job is advertised on several application portals.

  • In the detailed ratings, steps that do not have a detailed rating activated can now also be displayed for evaluation purposes.

  • Loading times when deleting steps have been optimised.

  • The displayed order of document uploads now matches the order in the input mask

  • Job title when completing a rating is displayed in the correct language.

  • Spelling errors in the notification email โ€˜Invitation for a ratingโ€™ have been corrected

  • The placeholders SR_DATUM_FR, SR_DATUM_EN, B_STELLENART_EN and B_STELLENART_FR have been corrected.

  • There is a new placeholder for the Automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail: SR_ANMELDUNG_BEWERBUNG. All placeholders are listed in the Help Centre article.

  • The comments in the detailed rating are displayed in full (no need to scroll).

  • The default sorting in the dossier overview is now always according to the highest due date.

  • A missing translation in EN and FR has been completed in the application receipt step (field: date of application receipt)

  • In the job overview, the icon for online publication is now also displayed for publications via solique, even before the first applications are received.

  • Additional newer telephone number circles have been added to the validation, e.g. USA, Canada and Liechtenstein.

  • The Help Centre is now always automatically displayed in the correct language.

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