You can read the connection between design and template here.
The signature applies to all e-mails and to all employees.
Admin rights
You can find out what you need to consider with multilingualism below in this article
Change new design
1. Click on "Settings" at the top of the menu Under the title "Module recruitment", select the sub-item "E-mail settings".
2. You can now define the signature. Use placeholders to dynamically add for example the name of the employee.
3. It is also possible to place images in the signature.
4. Finally, save your changes by clicking on "Save".
For accounts with multiple recruitment languages
If you have activated several recruitment languages in your account, then you must make the adjustments to the e-mail signature in all languages.
Information: In the Dualoo best practice text templates "Templates letters / e-mail" in French, the salutation is directly integrated in the text. Therefore, with French, it is not necessary to integrate a salute into the signature.