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How can I delete/archive rating schemes?

Learn how evaluation schemes can be deleted or archived.

Raphael Mösch avatar
Written by Raphael Mösch
Updated over a week ago


  • A rating scheme can only be deleted if it has never been used before. Otherwise only the archiving of the valuation scheme remains.

Delete rating scheme

1. Click on Settings in the menu. Under the title Module Recruitment, select the sub-item Templates Evaluation Schemes.

2. First select the scheme you want to delete and click on the three items and then click Delete:

3. The evaluation scheme is deleted.

Archive valuation scheme

1. Click on Settings in the menu. Under the title Module Recruitment, select the sub-item Templates Evaluation Schemes.

2. First select the scheme to be archived and click on the three items and then on Archive Rating Scheme:

3. If you now receive a message, you must first remove the evaluation scheme in the relevant processes. To do this, switch to Application processes in the settings and remove the evaluation scheme to be archived in all steps of the displayed processes under the item Detailed evaluation. The displayed processes can also be among the archived processes.

4. Go back to the item Templates Evaluation schemes and press Archive again.

5. The evaluation scheme will be archived.

Show archived rating schemes

1. Click on Settings in the menu. Under the title Recruitment module, select the sub-item "Templates Evaluation Schemes".

2. Click above on

3. Now all archived evaluation schemes are displayed. If desired the evaluation schemes can be reactivated.

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