Authorisation as 'Admin'.
As an additional security level, 'Admins' can activate a restrictive handling of email attachments in the "Settings" under "Security & data protection". All email attachments sent to you in a potentially dangerous format (e.g. Excel, Word, etc.) are converted into a secure format. This makes it more difficult for online criminals to spread malware by e-mail.
How does this conversion work?
When creating and sending online applications, Applicants can only upload PDFs for security reasons. However, in the subsequent application process, Applicants can also send other file formats as attachments in response to their e-mails.
By activating the function "Handling of received e-mail attachments", file formats are automatically converted into a non-hazardous format. As soon as you have activated the checkbox, you can no longer receive potentially dangerous file formats.
Information: This may result in minor changes to the display. For example, when converting an Excel file into a PDF, the page breaks are automatically set if this has not been defined.
Activation in the settings:
View in the candidate dossier:
Overview File Formats
The file formats are divided into three categories (Supported, Converted and Not Supported). The list is not complete.
These file formats are to be classified as potentially harmless and are therefore not converted.
These file formats are classified as potentially dangerous and are therefore converted into a PDF or image file.
Not Supported
These file formats are considered potentially very dangerous and will be deleted. The files are displayed with a corresponding icon and note in the attachments, but cannot be viewed or downloaded.
Supported | Converted | Not Supported |
bmp | 123 | exe |
gif | 12m | mhtml |
jpeg | azv | odt |
jpg | azv1 | psd |
azv3 | xml | |
png | azv4 | zip |
| cbc | + all others |
| cbr |
| cbz |
| chm |
| csv |
| djvu |
| doc |
| doc |
| docx |
| docx |
| dot |
| dotx |
| dwf |
| dwfx |
| dwg |
| dwgx |
| dxf |
| eml |
| eps |
| epub |
| fax |
| heic |
| htm |
| html |
| ico |
| images |
| key |
| lit |
| log |
| lrf |
| lwp |
| mbx |
| mdi |
| mml |
| mobi |
| mpp |
| mpt |
| msg |
| mwp |
| numbers |
| odc |
| odf |
| odg |
| odi |
| odm |
| odp |
| ods |
| odt |
| oft |
| otg |
| oth |
| otp |
| ots |
| oxps |
| pages |
| pml |
| pot |
| pot |
| potx |
| pps |
| ppsx |
| ppt |
| pptx |
| prc |
| prn |
| ps |
| pub |
| pxl |
| rtf |
| sam |
| sgl |
| smf |
| snb |
| snp |
| srw |
| stc |
| sti |
| stw |
| sxc |
| sxg |
| sxi |
| sxm |
| sxw |
| tcr |
| tiff |
| tpz |
| txt |
| vdx |
| vor |
| vsd |
| vsdx |
| vst |
| vstx |
| web |
| webp |
| wk1 |
| wk2 |
| wk3 |
| wpd |
| wps |
| wri |
| wv2 |
| xls |
| xlsb |
| xlsx |
| xlt |
| xltx |
| xps |