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How are due dates calculated and how do I work best with them?
How are due dates calculated and how do I work best with them?

Learn in this article how working with due dates works in Dualoo.

Nadine Mösch avatar
Written by Nadine Mösch
Updated over a week ago


Dualoo allows you to easily keep track of open tasks.

Personal assistant

In the cockpit you have the personal assistant. This shows you the open items sorted by due date. With one click, you land in the corresponding view and can complete your tasks. Depending on whether you are a recruiter or a rater, you will see dossiers and ratings or only ratings.

Sorting by due date and using filters

Another option to get an overview is to sort and filter by due date in the overviews: Dossier and Ratings.

To do this, click on the arrow next to "Edit filter" and select "My open dossiers".

Alternatively, you can click directly on the column title "Maturity" in the corresponding view and get the dossiers/ratings that have been due the longest at the top.

Calculation of due dates


Based on the date in each open process step, the due date is calculated.

Attention: For the step to be shown as due, it must still be open. Once completed, it will not appear in the due list.


Generally, the (end) date of the step is the due date. Exception: If the step is already in the past when the rater is invited, the invitation date is considered the due date. This results in the following rules:

(End) date of the step is in the past

If the last date of the step is in the past, the due date is the date on which the rater was invited. For example, if the application receipt was received on 03/08 and the recruiter invited for rating on 15/08, the assessment will be marked in red in the overview on 16.08. (due date: 15.08. = invitation to rating).

(End) date of the step is in the future

If the last date of the step is in the future, the due date is the end date of the step. If, for example, the trial apprenticeship on 08.08. was arranged for 13-15.08. and the rater was also invited to the rating on 08.08., the rating will not be marked in red in the overview until 16.08. (due date: 15.08. = end date of the step).

Tips & tricks for recruiters

Delete incomplete ratings in case of acceptance/rejection

In the case of an acceptance or rejection, check whether there are still open ratings in previous steps and delete them. Otherwise, these ratings remain open and are considered due.

Many overdues

Do you have many due dates in the dossiers for which you cannot currently continue working, e.g. due to the holiday absence of a line manager? In this case, you can include an "on hold" step.

  1. Go to Application processes in the settings and enter a new pause step. Rename it appropriately (e.g. "On hold") and put it in the right order.

  2. If necessary, enter new mail templates (Settings - Templates Letters/E-Mails) for health letters.

  3. Link these templates in the process step you entered under point 1.

Now you can use this pause step for the dossiers concerned and define yourself by the step date when this dossier is due again.

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