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What are step types / process steps?

Learn what step types (process steps) are and how they differ from each other.

Nadine Mösch avatar
Written by Nadine Mösch
Updated over 8 months ago


  • Recruiter rights to use the process steps in the dossier (authorization to work in the process / dossiers)

  • Admin rights to edit the process steps in the settings of the application process.

General information on process steps and step types

In the 'Settings' you can define which 'steps' your recruiting process should contain. Dualoo has a total of nine possible process steps, two of which (acception and rejection) are mandatory in each process.

The step types can be added to the application process several times. Make sure to rename the name clearly.

Example Step Type: Interview once with the name "Interview No. 1" and then a second time with the name "Interview No. 2".

The order of the steps can be made individually per candidate in the operational process by the 'recruiter'. This means that the 'Recruiter' can also jump directly to the 'Rejection' and skip the 'Interview' for example. When adding the next process step, a 'responsible person' must also always be included. This person receives an e-mail as soon as he or she is responsible for a step. This ensures that the process never stops.

Process step settings:

There are two settings that can be defined in each process step. What it means to enable an online tender or to enable the process interruption can be seen here.

Overview of the different step types

Step type

Fields / Placeholders

Application receipt


One-day event

(current naming: one-day internship)

Date Start:

Time Start:

Time End:

Multi-day event
(current naming: trial apprenticeship)

Date Start:

Time Start:

Date End:

Time End:

Video interview

Date Start:

Time Start:

Time End:


Date Start:

Time Start:

Time End:


Date Break

Personality analysis



Date of acceptance


Date rejection

Rejection by:

Here you can get to the article, which answers the following questions:

  • How are the individual step types structured?

  • Which step types are there and how are they used?

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