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Overview functions dossier / Process steps
Overview functions dossier / Process steps

What functions are available in the dossier and in the process steps? Overview of the possibilities including practical examples.

Raphael Mösch avatar
Written by Raphael Mösch
Updated over 9 months ago


  • Recruiter rights (authorization to collaborate in the process / dossier)

  • A candidate dossier with an application process started

Overview of different step types / process steps:

Depending on the process step / step type, different options are available to 'Recruiters' in the dossier. However, the process steps can only be edited by 'Admins' in the "settings". An overview of all possible step types can be found here.

General overview of functions in the process step

The numbers correspond to the screenshot of the sample process step below.

1. Icon of the step type

Each step type in Dualoo has a specific icon. This is coloured based on the overall rating and it is shown with a circle as long as the step is open.

Additional information: Source (channel)

Next to the step type, the source (channel) is displayed when an online application / registration is received.

  • Source / channel according to the publication of the job.

    (e.g. career portal company website, Google for Jobs, LinkedIn,, etc.).

  • If an application is created manually, "Manual" is indicated as the source.

  • If a process step of the type Rejection is entered via a mass rejection, "Mass rejection" is displayed as additional information.

2. 3-dot button / edit button of the step

Here you can delete, complete or reopen the corresponding process step or notify employees.

3 'Responsible person'.

  • Only 'recruiters' can be 'responsible persons'.

  • For appointment invitations / notifications, the responsible person is automatically preselected.

  • This person is informed when a new step is assigned to him/her (e.g. for online application receipt or also for manual assignment) or when detailed ratings are completed by the 'Raters' (Line Managers).

4 'Executing person'.

  • Information such as first and last name are available in mail/letter templates as well as rating schemes as placeholders (e.g. D_VORNAME). Information about the placeholder 'Administrative Person' can be found here.

  • All employees (dualoo users) can be 'executing persons'.

  • For appointment invitations / notifications, the responsible person and the executing person are automatically preselected.

5. 'Date' of the step

  • This date is available as a placeholder.

  • Depending on the step type, there are different options (e.g. start date, end date and start and end time).

  • On the basis of this step, the due date (1 day after the expiry date) is also calculated. Attention: For the step to be displayed as due, it must still be open. Once completed, it will not appear in the due list. More information on the maturity here.

  • Practical example: If the Pause step is used as "on hold" or as "talent pool", the due date can be set here in the future.

6. 'Communication'

All documents uploaded by the Applicant or manually are displayed here. But also all emails, letters and notes of this process step.

  • E-mail replies from Applicants are displayed under Communication. The sender (Dualoo User) is notified by e-mail when a reply is received from an Applicant.

  • If the process step from which the e-mail was originally sent can no longer be found (e.g. if it has been deleted), the e-mail is assigned to the last open step and the responsible person is informed.

7. 3-dot button / edit button in the 'Communication' area.

Depending on the document type, different options are available. For example: Deleting, renaming, editing or moving documents or even downloading as a Word file.

8. Upload | drag & drop' button

  • Upload documents from the PC to the process step.

  • These attachments are displayed under 'Communication'.

9. Generate document

  • Enter letters or other documents as PDF. Placeholders are replaced in the process.

  • These documents are displayed under 'Communication'.

  • Practical example 1: If applications are received physically by post, you can of course scan the documents and create the dossier manually. However, so that you can return the physical dossier by post with little effort, you can enter the cover letter in your CD as a PDF and print it out.

  • Practical example 2: The cover letter for the physical dispatch of employment contracts could also be entered at the touch of a button via 'Generate document'.

  • Practical example 3: The employment contract itself can also be provided with placeholders and thus be entered automatically. Documents can also be downloaded as Word via the 3-point button and then supplemented with further information (e.g. salary, AHV number, etc.).

10. 'Send e-mail'

  • Enter and send e-mails from the templates or freely.

  • Possibility to schedule the sending in the future.

  • These sent and received e-mails are displayed under 'Communication'.

  • Information: If the date is set in the future for the 'Rejection' step, the e-mail is automatically sent on this date.

11. 'Internal note'

  • The notes are also displayed in the communication and are only visible to users with recruiter rights.

  • Raters do not have access to the dossier and do not see these comments.

12. Detailed ratings:

  • This option is only displayed if the step has stored the 'detailed rating' in the settings (here). A 'detailed rating' is therefore optional.

  • By clicking on the button 'Add Rater' all created users (all roles) can be selected. These 'raters' will receive a notification by e-mail and can then make a rating in the 'Ratings' section and also see the attachments of the respective process step there.

  • All persons and also the status of the detailed rating is shown here.

  • By clicking on the info icon behind each rating, further information can be displayed.

    - When the rater was invited by which person.

    - When a reminder was sent.

    - When the rating was completed.

  • By clicking on the button 'Open rating view' all individual criterias and the comments can be viewed.

13. 'Overall rating' of the step

  • This rating option is mandatory in each process step.

  • The traffic light system is used with the scale 'insufficient', 'sufficient' and 'good' and the icon of the process step is coloured accordingly.

  • The rating is incorporated into the overall rating of the application in the matching index by means of an algorithm. For more information on the Matching Index, click here.

  • "None" can be selected if a step should have no influence on the rating. For example, for a process step of the type "Pause / On hold" or for "Rejections" and "Acceptances".

14. 'Complete the step'

  • Clicking on 'Complete Step' triggers the next step or interrupts the process (here).

  • The next 'responsible person' ('recruiter') must be selected. If you do not select yourself, a notification e-mail will automatically be sent to this person.

  • After closing the step, the view will be minimised. This can be expanded at any time by clicking on the double arrow.

Possible applications for various process steps

In the following you will find some information about the application possibilities for different process steps. There are separate instructions for some process steps in the Help Centre.

1. Application receipt

The various options for forwarding a dossier, with or without preselection, to the line manager can be found here.

2. Interview / video interview

For interviews, Dualoo directly suggests that an internal calendar invitation is sent as soon as all data from the appointment has been entered. This is also the case for video interviews where, in addition, the link to the video meeting is directly inserted in the location. You can find more on this here:

3. One-day or multi-day event

(current name: day internship / trial apprenticeship)

These process steps are mainly used in employee recruitment for trial work. Several team members can also be added as 'raters', who do not automatically see all of the candidates' application documents by approving this step.

In learner recruitment, these process steps are often used for career explorations & trial apprenticeships and then an evaluation sheet is created directly in the detailed ratings of Dualoo as feedback for the students*. You can see how this works here.

4. Pause

Since the process step "Pause" only contains a date, without a start and end time, this step can be used most flexibly.

In practice, this process step is often used to "wait or hold" a candidate dossier. Under Date pause: the due date is simply set when the next reminder should take place.

Further applications are: Telephone interviews without a fixed date, talent pool, external assessments or even medical examinations and other milestones that have to be passed in the process.

You can see how the talent pool case can be used here.

5. Personality analysis

Here you will find the instructions for the Identify personality analysis step. You can, of course, also integrate other personality analysis providers, which you then edit manually.

6. Acception

In the step 'Acception' you could also enter a draft of the employment contract. A template can be provided with placeholders by the Dualoo Admin. This document can then be entered automatically in this step and can also be downloaded as Word via the 3-point button and then supplemented with further information (e.g. salary, AHV number etc.).

7. Rejection

If you always reject a job by telephone, you can simply record the date of the telephone call in the notes. If you set the date in the future, the e-mail will automatically be sent on this date.

Under ‘Rejection by’ you can now select whether you as the company or the applicant have rejected the application.

You can see how to make a mass rejection here.

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