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All CollectionsSettings (for admins only)Design of evaluation schemes
How can I create or adapt my own design for the evaluation schemes?
How can I create or adapt my own design for the evaluation schemes?

Learn how to customize the appearance of the ratings.

Raphael Mösch avatar
Written by Raphael Mösch
Updated over a week ago


  • Admin rights

  • What you need to consider for multilingualism can be found below in this article

You can read the connection between design and template here.

There are some requirements that must be met in order for the document to be generated without errors. Please read the requirements carefully.

Download Best Practice Templates

We recommend adapting our best practice templates to your needs rather than entering a completely new document. There are 2 variants per language. One variant with displayed descriptive texts and the other without these descriptive texts.

Download the Best Practices templates:

Note: You can only upload *.docx files.

Important requirements

1. All lines in the document that start with [E1.x - ...] or [E2.x - ...] must NOT be removed and are needed in any case They are marked yellow in the image below.

2. The information of the applicant is needed twice - once with profile picture ([E1.0] and once without profile picture ([E1.2]). This is also the case if you do not want to use a picture. In this case [E1.0] and [E1.2] are identical.

3. Category ([E2.0]), the criterion ([E2.1]), the comment ([E2.2]) and the enter ([E2.3]) are needed only once - even if you use several categories or criteria in the evaluation scheme.

4. For the use of images as placeholders please see this article.

5. All placeholders - text and image - can be seen and downloaded here.

Example of a design for the rating scheme


Ratings are always displayed with stars in the document

The ratings are displayed with stars on the generated Word document. You can choose between 3, 4, 5, 6 of the 10 stars. You can also decide whether the first star is displayed by default. This is especially necessary for the display of the note scale. All possible placeholders incl. images can be found here.

Add new design

1. Click on "Settings" at the top of the menu Under the title "Module recruitment", select the sub-item "Design assessement scheme".

2. Press on

to add a new assessement scheme.

3. Assign a new name for the new design in the field "title" (e.g. Evaluation Trial Gauge).

4. Download the Dualoo best practices template here.

5. Open the downloaded Best Practices template on your computer with Microsoft Office

6. Adapt the document to your needs. Please note the important requirements above.

7. Replace the words where you need data from Dualoo (e.g. address of the applicant) with the placeholders from Dualoo. A list of all placeholders can be found here.

8. Pictures are used as placeholders for the profile picture of the applicant and the rating information. You can find all pictures with a download link here. Copy the pictures into the document and adjust the size to your needs. Please note that the aspect ratio must remain the same (here).

9. Save the document on your computer

10. Upload the saved document with the button in Dualoo or drag and drop it into the field

11. Afterwards, the design only needs to be assigned to one assessement scheme. To do this, switch to "Module recruitment" in the "Settings". Select the rating scheme for which you want to add or change the design. Under the point " assessement" you can select the new created design and link it to it.

Adjust existing design

1. Click on "Settings" at the top of the menu Under the title "Module recruitment", select the sub-item "Design assessement scheme".

2. Now select the design that you want to customize.

3. Click on the document name to download the latest version:

4. The *.docx file is started as a download. Depending on the browser, a download message appears in the lower part.

5. Open the downloaded document with Microsoft Office

6. Modify the document according to your needs or add placeholders A list of all placeholders can be found here.

7. Pictures are used as placeholders for the profile picture of the applicant and the rating information. You can find all pictures with a download link here. Copy the pictures into the document and resize them to your needs. Please note that the aspect ratio must remain the same (here).

8. Upload the saved document with the button back into Dualoo or drag & drop it into the field

9. From now on the updated document will be used in all linked assessement schemes. Do you want to add the design to another rating scheme? To do so, switch to "Templates assessement schemes" in the "Settings" section. Select the rating scheme for which you want to add or change the design. Under the point "Design assessement scheme" you can now select the newly created design and link to it.

Template Design assessement scheme: Download has to be translated

For accounts with multiple recruitment languages

If you have activated several recruitment languages in your account, you can store multilingual templates in various areas of Dualoo. However, this is not the case for the evaluation schemes.

Only one layout can be stored per assessment scheme. In addition, only one detailed rating can be selected per application process. Therefore, we recommend that you choose a language for the document (feedback form) which you always use.

Note on placeholders for multilingualism

Certain placeholders are language-specific and can therefore only be used in the corresponding language.

For example, the salutation. "B_ANREDE" is always German "Herr / Frau", for in other languages other placeholders must be used. For example, "B_ANREDE_GB_FR" in French is "Madame / Monsieur". Many placeholders such as B_VORNAME remain the same in all languages.

You can find an overview of all placeholders here.

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