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Update - News from 06.06.2024

All the important new features and improvements in this release are listed in this article.

Tamara Gätzi avatar
Written by Tamara Gätzi
Updated over 8 months ago

New features

👍CAPTCHA by Friendly Captcha

Friendly Captcha is now available in Apps & Integrations. This feature offers bot protection according to the highest data protection standards, therefore the use of Dualoo is recommended.

Use of the feature is subject to a fee and is therefore not automatically activated for existing customers. We will contact the Data protection contact person defined in your account directly to check the activation of Friendly Captcha. Of course, you can also activate the feature directly under Apps & integrations without waiting for us to contact you.

👍 Excel data export

HR-Managers now have the option of requesting an export in the job overview. The data is sent by e-mail. This makes it easier to create evaluations / statistics. The easiest way to do this is, of course, with our KPI template, which you can find in our help center.

👍 Detailinformation Absage (Firma / Bewerber*in)

If a rejection is made, further information can now be provided. This is whether the rejection was made by the company or whether it was made by the applicant themselves. This detailed information can be seen directly in the dossier overview using the icon and is also available for evaluations.

👍 Formatting in the free text input field & internal notes

In the free text input field of the input mask, which can be used for comments or questions, more formatting options are available, e.g. line breaks, bulleted lists etc. This makes it easier to request further information from applicants. These formatting options are also available for internal notes in the dossier.


Watch the release presentation in the video.

Minor improvements

We have made various minor corrections and optimisations.

  • The telephone number in the advertisement can now be hidden. More about this here

  • The status of employees (active / deactivated) is now not only displayed for the corresponding employee, but can also be filtered in the overview list.

  • CKEditor (text entry fields) has been updated to the latest generation.

  • The placeholders now have a detailed description (just as they can be found in the Help Centre and always in the appropriate language).

  • iFrames can now be provided with URL parameters, for example to link directly to an input mask or a specific advertisement. More about this here

  • When using the beta feature ‘Own e-mail domain’, a single, fixed e-mail address can now be stored. All outgoing emails will then be sent to this email address.

  • We have again made improvements to the deliverability of outgoing e-mails.

  • When using multiple accounts / Dualoo clients, we have improved the handling when jumping from an e-mail to Dualoo.

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